
About Us

Meet the Artist

Hi, my name is Omoze Ahamioje, an Interdiscplinary Artist and Founder, Zelemeraki Art studio. 

Zelemeraki Art Studio is a haven where art takes on a life of its own through distinctive plaster forms

Zelemeraki is a fusion of “Zele,” derived from my name “Omozele,” and “Meraki,” meaning to infuse your work with a part of your essence.

My artistic expression finds its roots in a deep love for minimalism. The studio embodies this philosophy, inviting you to interact with art beyond the canvas. Our deliberate choice of a minimalist aesthetic encourages reflection and contemplation, fostering a genuine appreciation for the quiet elegance inherent in simplicity.

Unveiling the beauty found in simplicity, our studio serves as the convergence of my childhood aspirations and a passion for minimalism. I extend an invitation for you to join me on a creative journey, where each crafted piece evolves into a unique work of art.

My Why

Born in Lagos in 1996, I grew up surrounded by different people and various cultures. My father, a visual artist, ensured art was always a constant in our home. Watching him piqued my interest and encouraged me to explore my creativity in whatever form it came. 

My heritage blends the traditions of Edo from my father and Anambra from my mother however, it was Lagos with its mixture of virtually every tribe in Nigeria that truly molded me.

I grew up seeing Yoruba women beautifully adorn themselves with colourful attires and gold jewelry, Igbo men brag about their homeland and the richness and affluence in the land.

All of these experiences shaped my view of the world and my approach to plaster art. I aim to channel Nigeria’s diverse beauty and culture into my art. 


Early life & Influences

Growing up, my dream was to study Interior Design however, given the limited options in Nigeria, I had to study Estate Surveying and Valuation.

Soon after university, I landed an Interior Design job. At the time, it seemed like the dream, but something was still missing.

In the early stages of my career working as an Interior Designer, I realized I wanted to do more than just design spaces. I wanted to create something unique, something personal. I wanted my hands to craft stories. So, I quit my job and started to explore.

After much exploration, I found my medium: plaster. It became my voice, allowing me to channel my experiences, both good and bad, into art while intertwining it with my foundational love for design.

My Medium

Plaster: Seen as simply a building material here in Nigeria, It’s potential as an artistic medium is largely overlooked. Yet, this is very reason that drew me to it.

As a minimalist, I find beauty in simplicity and harnessing the raw, unpretentious character of materials. Plaster with its smooth finish and malleable texture, fits perfectly into this aesthetic. I am able to elevate it from a basic construction element to the centerpiece of my sculptures. I aim to challenge and spotlight the hidden elegance and versatility of this humble material. 

I realized I didn’t want to just design spaces, I wanted to create something unique, something personal. I wanted my hands to craft stories. So, I quit my job and started to explore. After much exploration, I found my medium: plaster. It became my voice, allowing me to channel my experiences, both good and bad, into art while intertwining it with my foundational love for design. 

Artistic Evolution

Initially focused on simple plaster line art, my art has evolved to encompass unique shapes and forms, often imitating the softness of fabric such as “Aso Ibara” or the stiffness of rocks and stone such as “Ogbunike”.

I’m constantly experimenting with different media like clay, papier mache, cement, wood and whatever material can help bring my visions to life.

As a minimalist, I find beauty in simplicity and harnessing the raw, unpretentious character of materials. Plaster with its smooth finish and malleable texture, fits perfectly into this aesthetic. I am able to elevate it from a basic construction element to the centerpiece of my sculptures. I aim to challenge and spotlight the hidden elegance and versatility of this humble material. 

I realized I didn’t want to just design spaces, I wanted to create something unique, something personal. I wanted my hands to craft stories. So, I quit my job and started to explore. After much exploration, I found my medium: plaster. It became my voice, allowing me to channel my experiences, both good and bad, into art while intertwining it with my foundational love for design.